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Hi there! I'm Wendy, a 20-year-old bookgeek at heart. I'm on an endless journey to find good stories and I want you to take part in it. So talk to me in the comments or follow me any way you like. Love, Wendy

Currently reading

Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales
Jacob Grimm
De Teruggekeerden
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Is That a Fish in Your Ear?
David Bellos

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter Signature Edition)

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets  - J.K. Rowling You can read this review and more reviews (and other bookish things) at Wensend.com.After reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone I got really excited to reread the second book in the series. In my mind this was one of the less great books in the series, which is why I initially rated it 4 stars on Goodreads. But I confess: this book was much more fun to read again than I expected, so I turned my initial 4 stars into a 5-star rating. What surprised me after rereading two of the first books of the series again, was the way Rowling used language to create the story. After having participated in a HP roleplaying game for a few years, I seemed to have forgotten a lot about her writing style. I thought it was much less.. childish. More than once I found myself thinking: Is Harry that big of a fool? He is so naïve and doesn’t seem to notice any danger. I sometimes wanted to yell at him: “Why won’t you just think? This is dangerous!” But maybe that’s just my inner adult speaking. ;) I really enjoyed reading this book. Compared to the first book in the series, I think this story is more coherent as a whole and all of the events fit together more logically, whereas the first book was just an introduction to the world of wizardry.